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World K's Takazakura (FB2892).
World K’s Takazakura (FB2892) is one of the great foundation bulls of the Wagyu breed. His grandsire, Yasufuku J930, sired 3 of the highest marbling sires of the 9th Zenkoku (“Wagyu Olympics”) in Japan. His sire is Takaei 1412, and his dam is Dai Ni Sakura 7.
Takazakura proved himself with a 2009 World K analysis of 1,200 bulls. 68% ranked three full grades above the highest prime on the USDA. 22% graded Prime and Prime +, and Takazakura bulls continue to deliver even today.
In addition to premium quality beef himself, this Takazakura bull produces long calves with exceptional marbling and tenderness. This sire is embryo production only.
Breed Specification
- Tenderness: 8
- Free of all known genetic conditions