We know you care about where your beef is coming from.
We believe in raising Wagyu cattle without steroids, growth hormones, or unnecessary antibiotics. We feed our Wagyu with a traditional Japanese feeding regimen so we can produce the healthiest beef for your family, high-end restaurant, or artisan butcher shop.
The Japanese farmers (of both the past and present) that we admire and emulate also use this feeding regimen, and we view them as a reliable source when determining how we can best care for our Wagyu.

Why Wagyu?
Eating Experience
Mark Schatzker of America’s Wagyu Trail once said, “Wagyu is like the world’s greatest wines and cheeses. It reflects the people who raised it.” When you first taste Wagyu, you'll instantly notice that this is a rare and exceptional beef.
You’ll find a unique taste and tenderness across all cuts of beef. Wagyu’s soft, sweet, buttery meat is pleasantly filling, and it has beautiful white marbling (a result of the cattle’s intramuscular fat).
Health Benefits
Did you know Wagyu is the world’s top marbling breed? Wagyu carry adipocytes, fat cells with a protein receptor. When that receptor is activated, it produces lipids that turn into marbling from the cattle's intramuscular fat (IMF).
This makes Wagyu beef the healthiest beef you can eat. The ratio of monounsaturated (heart-healthy) fat to saturated fat is 2:1 in Wagyu, compared to 1:1 in other breeds. It’s also rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, and the beef’s oleic acid decreases LDL (bad) cholesterol and increases HDL (good) cholesterol.
Breed Benefits
Wagyu are adaptable, docile, and fertile cattle—with longer life spans than any other breed. A single mature bull can breed a herd of up to 50 heifers, and calves’ low birth weight makes reproduction much easier on mothering cows.
Fullblood Wagyu undergo DNA parent verification before the American Wagyu Association even enters them into its herd book. When you raise a fullblood, AWA-certified breed, you know you’ll produce the best cattle and beef for your clientele.
Worth Your While
We understand that in many situations, cost outweighs other factors. But, it’s important to remember that we raise our Wagyu by following advice from a world-renowned animal nutrition expert. This lets us offer you the best cattle possible—with the most health and breeding benefits for you.
When you’re feeding family or customers, we know you want them to have the healthiest, highest-quality beef. Our Wagyu can give them just that!